GC3PY7V – Pigeon House Branch – The kudzu shall inherit

Pigeon House Branch – The kudzu shall inherit
by kentwoodkrew

Traditional Cache (2/2)

From Plants, Chapter 12, verses 10-24
10-And the One looked out upon Its works and said unto them, “Go ye into the land and propagate, that all the creatures living therein will know My works.”
11-And among the host there arose a great cry saying, “How shall our issue live among the creatures of the earth?  For they have feet to trample us and beaks to pluck our fruits and mouths ever hungry for our leaves.”
12-And as It gazed down upon them, It said, “By vegetative expansion shall thou grow, by stolons that root at the nodes to form new plants and by rhizomes.”
13-“And also shall you spread by seeds, which are contained in pods and mature in the autumn.”
14-But as It spake, there were those that turned their eye inward and sought pleasure in the beauty of their petals or the loveliness of their attar.  And lo, these among the host heard not Its holy word, but caught only That Last Bit.
15-And the host did depart into the world and did expand vegetatively.  For out of them grew pods.  And out of the pods grew seeds.  And when the pods did mature in the autumn and the seeds fall to the earth, slowly and slowly did the host spread among the corners of the earth.
16-But among them the kudzu had no inner eye and was purest in Its sight.  And the kudzu did reproduce by vegetative expansion and did grow by stolons that root at the nodes to form new plants and by rhizomes. And also it did spread by seeds, which are contained in pods and did mature in the autumn.
17-And so great was the kudzu’s success in carrying out Its word that the others cried, “We are deprived of sun and water and the nourishment of the soil. For the kudzu doth reproduce by vegetative expansion and doth grow by stolons that root at the nodes to form new plants and by rhizomes. And also does it spread by seeds, which are contained in pods and mature in the autumn.”
18-And It was sore vexed at the whiners and the cryers and the nattering nabobs of negativity.  And though it knew that the many could have raised themselves up, It went forth and said unto the kudzu, “Thou art My good and faithful servant yet for the sake of diversity.”
19-“I shall make thine pods rare.  The count of thine seeds shall not be reduced but I shall make but one or two seeds viable for each cluster of pods produced.”
20-And the kudzu cried out for its lost children and said unto itself, “Oh I shall perish. For I shall never produce enough seed to counter the relentless hedge clippers and the evil weed whacker.”  And it was despondent for the loss of its progeny.
21-But the One having very good ears heard the kudzu’s despair and in Its infinite wisdom It spake unto the heavens that although the kudzu’s daughters would be sparse, the hard-coated seeds would be long in germination, yeah even for several years.  And it was.
22-But the kudzu, even unknowing, still went forth by vegetative expansion and did grow by stolons that rooted at the nodes to form new plants and by rhizomes. And also it did spread by seeds, which were contained in pods and did mature in the autumn.
23-And thus it came to pass that after many years did the kudzu see the wisdom of Its decision.  For such was the hardiness of the kudzu’s seed that even after it was thought eradicated at a site the hard-coated daughters of the kudzu would root and grow such that the kudzu would inherit the earth.
24-Amen. (And TFTH!)